Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is a very memorable day for our country. A new President has been sworn in. We saw on TV our government running so smoothly - at least from our vantage point. So many countries change Presidents as often as they change socks and have demonstrations and riots in protest. We are so fortunate to have some brilliant men and women working on our behalf and our safety. Although the outgoing President has received much critisism, he still has many things he will be remembered for but it may take some time for the bitterness of some to go away. No matter what our political affiliation is we need to be supportive of this new President and give him a chance to deal with some real problems.

We were living in Washington D.C. when Jimmy Carter was inaugurated. Since it was such a frigid day and we had just moved to DC 3 weeks prior from California, we just couldn't take the cold! Washington was an exciting busy place to live as there was always something happening - good and evil! We enjoyed our time there and have many memories of learning about our country, visiting lots of museums, meeting interesting people from all over the world. Our childrens' school had many from other lands whose parents were living there while on assignments from their governments and each year had a fabulous International Festival.

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